Originally Posted by youngump
R1 on 1st, B2 hits a liner to center. F8 fields it on a hop and throws to second catching R1 rounding too far. R1 starts to go back and then instead moves toward third. The rundown is on and PU comes up to get the third base end of it. ... R1 gets tagged toward 3rd and PU makes the call.
Correct me if I'm wrong, because I'm a little rusty on responsibilities during rundowns. But isn't this the BU's call? He/she has (or should have) a better view of the tag on the runner's back.
As for your dilemma, you did what you should have done. I don't understand how you felt you weren't in a good position to see a tag play on a throw to second. You're basically mirroring the outside position you would be in for a straight steal of second, aren't you? Perhaps, as Mike mentioned, you didn't need to move closer to third.