Originally Posted by youngump
R1 on 1st, B2 hits a liner to center. F8 fields it on a hop and throws to second catching R1 rounding too far. R1 starts to go back and then instead moves toward third. The rundown is on and PU comes up to get the third base end of it.
Here's what I did and why I think it's not right. So on the hit I button hooked in and cheated toward second. So at this point I'm probably about 10 feet in and just a little bit off the line between home and second. This felt good for the throw in and I think would have been a good place to adjust to the play at second if it had occurred and been close (by moving toward the 1B-2B line). Since it turned into a run down, I ended up moving to bracket the run by moving toward third and toward left field a little. R1 gets tagged toward 3rd and PU makes the call. At this point, I convinced myself I didn't like what I had done because at no point was I really aware of BR2 (who inexplicably did not go to second on this play). But if she had gone to second, I don't know that I would have been at all in good shape to make that call. So what should I have done.
Sometimes on a rundown, we're screwed. Priority one is to not get in the way. Priority two is to get to where you can to see all possible plays. Those priorities don't often coincide. Don't beat yourself up if you stayed out of the way but couldn't get ideal position. (DO beat yourself up if you get in the way!!!
I do wonder why you moved toward 3rd, at least after the first throw (you might move a bit toward 3rd if PU is caught unprepared or perhaps had a runner coming home and couldn't get to 3rd on the first throw there). You're already in a good spot as far as distance between 2nd and 3rd is concerned.
The only movement I'd try to do at this point is if the play moves enough toward third base that you can get past the runner and fielder(s) - to be OUTSIDE the play -- get there. Ideally, you want PU inside near 3rd and you outside near 2nd. Doesn't always happen. The added plus if you get outside is your visibility of BR in your peripheral vision and probably better position to make a call on that runner if necessary.
That said, if there was only 1 or maybe 2 throws toward 3rd, you might not have had the opportunity to get there.