Originally Posted by MD
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and let you retract this part. Surely you don't think this rule has anything at all to do with the OP.
Originally Posted by Insane Blue
No retraction it just justifies not allowing a runner to reenter the field after leaving it. If the Runner did not touch the plate and leaves the field they cannot comeback that's all I am saying. It still has to be an apeal!
Wondering if things were renumbered... (I don't have the 2013 book handy)
If not... the rule you quote, 8-7-U, is about runner abandoning their base and going to the dugout. Has nothing to do with players that are no longer runners. A runner who has scored has no different status than any other player in the dugout. It's not ILLEGAL (as in, something you penalize) to leave the dugout. It is illegal to interfere, regardless of who you are. It is not the leaving of the dugout that is illegal.