Thread: FIBA question
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Old Sun Mar 10, 2013, 02:47am
canuckrefguy canuckrefguy is offline
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In FIBA, the only thing illegal on the throw-in is for the ball to be thrown directly into the basket.

17.3.1 The player taking the throw-in shall not:

• Take more than five (5) seconds to release the ball.

• Step into the playing court while having the ball in his hand(s).

• Cause the ball to touch out-of-bounds, after it has been released on the throw-in.

• Touch the ball on the playing court before it has touched another player.

• Cause the ball to enter the basket directly.

• Move from the designated throw-in place behind the boundary line, other than from his team’s endline after a successful field goal or a successful last free throw, laterally in one (1) or in both directions, exceeding a total distance of one (1) m before releasing the ball. He is, however, permitted to move directly back-wards from the boundary line as far as circumstances allow.
HOMER: Just gimme my gun.
CLERK: Hold on, the law requires a five-day waiting period; we've got run a background check...
HOMER: Five days???? But I'm mad NOW!!
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