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Old Mon May 19, 2003, 08:24am
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Rich Rich is offline
Get away from me, Steve.
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 15,785
I'll jump in and agree.

You'll have this protector for YEARS, so don't try to save $50 by cheaping out.

Buy a hard-shell protector, like a WV. The WV Platinum is a good, lightweight hard shelled protector.

Any mask will do (I wear a WV mask, which is quite inexpensive, when I'm not wearing my new helmet). Any shin guards will do the job (I wear $30 Diamond shin guards, even when working college games). But I'd NEVER skimp on the chest protector.

I took a fouled bunt off the collarbone in a high school district final back in '96 while wearing a cheap protector. The next day I ordered a WV.

So, get a good single bar mask (not expensive), any shin guards (not expensive), and a good protector. And also spend the money for plate shoes. A broken toe isn't much fun either.

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