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Old Tue Feb 26, 2013, 07:51pm
rockyroad rockyroad is offline
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Originally Posted by VaTerp View Post
Not sure if you are intentionally trying to twist things around or what. As I stated more than once I agree that the L should have pinched and that the C should have worked for a better angle. But they didnt.

So what I disagree with is your statements that there was no way the L could see the play or have a whistle given the position he was in AND I disagree with your statement that the C is the person with the best opportunity to see the contact on this play.

It is interesting that that the 3rd official was not included. Would have been nice had he come in and saved the crew but he's the least culpable of the three IMO.
I honestly don't think we are disagreeing very much at all.
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