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Old Tue Feb 26, 2013, 05:02pm
VaTerp VaTerp is offline
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Originally Posted by rockyroad View Post
Disagree all you want to...the L did not move to a position where he could see that play, so there is no way he could make that call. That's what I said before, it's what I am saying now. Should he have moved-yes. Already said that, too. No way in the world the C should have stopped referring that play, and no way in the world the C should have stopped moving to get an angle on that play. So what exactly are you disagreeing with?

And I am not criticizing the NCAAM philosophy here, just criticizing an earlier statement that the L is the "ONLY ONE" who can have a whistle on this play.
Pretty clear what I am disagreeing with as stated in my earlier post. You said there is no way for the L to make this call because the initial defender was between him and the ball handler. I disagree with that- the L still had a great look at the play. And I agree that the L should have closed down more but disagree that even with the position he had that there is "no way" he can make the call. He could and should have.

I also disagree with your statement that the person with the best opportunity to see the contact on this play is the C for the reasons stated in my earlier post. So not sure why it's hard to understand what I'm disagreeing with.

And it's my mistake if I made the assumption that you disagree with the philosophy of the L having the primary on this. But nobody has said that the L is the only one that can have a whistle here. I believe what twocents said is the the L is the only one that can accurately officiate the secondary defender. Big difference there.

Last edited by VaTerp; Tue Feb 26, 2013 at 05:04pm.
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