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Old Fri Feb 15, 2013, 09:19am
Big Slick Big Slick is offline
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Originally Posted by MD Longhorn View Post
There is no ruleset that requires the manager at this point to decide whether #3 will be able to play when either her at bat comes around or they head back out to defense.

What rule in the NCAA code do you think tells you to require a substitution right then and there, after an apparent injury but before that player is required to DO anything?
NCAA 8.1

The language is "fielding a team" and, just like many rules, is rather ambiguous. In both scenarios, if there are two outs, then the rule is rather clear, game over. However, in the specific case of an injury with out #3, the coach does have a slight option. As per the interpretations on Arbiter, the coach does not have to make the sub right away and can leave the player in the line up. She can also take her position in the batter's box (which is a requirement) while not expecting to even swing at a pitch. Of course, this would happen under very limited circumstances, such as that team needing just a few runs to end the game.

I think the ambiguity comes in if the player leaves the park for medical treatment. She might be due up 7th or 8th in the inning, but can we say the team is "fielding" the required amount of players? I don't know the answer to that, but if I were the other coach, I would protest.

Of course, this doesn't apply to ASA of NFHS, as both allow for short handed play.
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