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Old Thu Feb 14, 2013, 04:53pm
youngump youngump is offline
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Originally Posted by RKBUmp View Post
If Im following this correctly, you dont have anything to record and there has been no substitutions. The DP can play defense for anyone, except the flex and it is not a substitution. The only times the coach really needs to inform you of the DP playing a defensive position is when they are the pitcher or catcher for courtesy runner purposes, and if they do play defense for the flex, because then you do have a substitution.
No, you don't have to record anything when the DP goes into play defense. That's not the substitution[*]. The substitution is Brown for Smith. I was trying to clarify for Manny et al (not sure which camp you are in) that you don't have to be in the game at the moment to be playing by illustrating it on defense. In this case, Smith was going to sit on the bench until her team recorded three outs and came up to bat. That was her position. Now, Brown is going to do that. It's not a projected substitution, it's an immediate substitution but the player isn't doing anything right now.
[*] From someone in our association, I got this phrasing, there are a lot of things you can do with your DP/Flex Coach, and I need to know about all but one of them. Feel free to just bring them all to me.
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