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Old Mon Feb 04, 2013, 11:34pm
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Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally Posted by KJUmp View Post
While not the exact same sitch (no out of the park HR involved), I think Dee Abrahamson's interpretation of the following question (Ask Dee 4/27/12-Pg.55) addresses the question asked in the OP:


Question as posed to Dee-
This true-false question was presented at our meeting:
The base runner from third base scores (lead runner) and the base runner from second base (trailing runner) follows her but misses home plate on her slide. The umpire calls "No Tag" and gives the safe sign. The lead runner helps the trailing runner get to her feet. She touches the plate before the tag and is ruled safe. The answer was False. I contend that the trailing runner is not a runner anymore because she is considered safe until the appeal.

Dee's Interpretation-
She is out under 12.9.5
The trailing runner knows she missed home plate so she is headed back to tag it. The catcher has heard the umpire declare "no tag" and is attempting to tag the trailing runner before she can score. But before the play finishes, the trailing runner is illegally contacted by a teammate. When the defense appeals that the base runner missed the base and then was assisted by a base runner who had already scored, she will be declared out under 12.9.5.
Why is the umpire declaring "no tag"? There is no indication there was a play at any time prior to a possible appeal.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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