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Old Fri Feb 01, 2013, 01:16am
ODog ODog is offline
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Posts: 529
If your description is accurate, sounds like you got jobbed, Coach. Mind you, this is all if we're dealing with a HS game, and I think the assumption on this board is that's the case unless explicitly laid out otherwise.

For the record, there are no "offensive" fouls. There are player-control fouls and team-control fouls.

No basket can be scored on a player-control foul. In this case, the sequence of events relative to whistle and release are irrelevant. The ball is dead the minute the foul is committed and no basket can be scored regardless of where the ball was (out, in, through the basket). An airborne shooter (by definition, someone who has already released his shot) can still commit a player-control foul until he returns to the floor. So, provided V1 was an airborne shooter, you got hosed.

But if V1 committed this foul after releasing the ball AND after returning to the floor (if he ever left it to begin with), then you're SOL. But then it wouldn't be a PC or TC foul.

Since you say O1 called and gave the sign for an "offensive foul" (whatever you consider that to be), that takes the scenario in the preceding sentence off the table.

So yes, there are (unlikely) variables where perhaps this was administered properly, but from the initial description, I'm leaning (heavily) in your favor.
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