Originally Posted by ballgame99
#2 and #4, are both in the "what difference does it make" category for me. If this was done incorrectly during the game would it matter at all? Not that I can tell.
#3 is an odd one, because isn't a player considered to be where he last touched the floor? So if you jump from OOB catch the ball in the air and "save" it, that is OOB. My answer to #3 was that this would be a back court violation since A1 had not established himself in the back court yet.
#1 has been discussed in the forum a lot, I got that one right. #5 is one of those that I thought was OK, but wasn't 100% sure of the rule, so I'm glad it has been discussed.
#2 -- I agree, as long as the official KNOW that the arrow was set too early and re-set it if something else happens.
#3 -- defensive player exception to the BC rule
#4 -- I think you need to get this one right so the other team knows who is in the game during the TO.