Originally Posted by ODog
How has this thread reached three pages without anyone calling B.S. on Seanwestref's questions?
Maybe because they are more polite than you? What would "calling BS" on my questions look like? Am I not allowed to ask simple, basic questions? (sarcasm here, also rhetorical)
Originally Posted by APG
Just because you may have found them to be rudimentary or easy...
Ah, there it is. I am not advanced enough for ODog. Good thing others are more tolerant of young officials, and are willing to help them with questions almost every young official deals with.
Down, ODog, Down! Bad ODog!
Originally Posted by ODog
I know and respect the spirit of treating everyone with an open mind, but ...
I hope your friends have learned to simply ignore anything you say after "but", because I am fast learning to. You are a lot more polite before you put in the "but".
Originally Posted by ODog
There is absolutely NO WAY he is an official who has ever sat through any sort of class or passed any sort of test. NO. WAY.
"Absolutely NO WAY"? How confident are you? Would you stake your life on it? Taking the (in my area) NFHS test is not that difficult. It is, after all, an
open-book test. (yes I passed)
Originally Posted by ODog
I'm not saying he doesn't do games at some level somewhere, but suddenly 3-whistle games? Please.
Again with the "but". Yes, "suddenly 3-whistle games". If you want to know how I got this opportunity, simply ask me. Otherwise:
Originally Posted by APG
And you don't know the circumstances behind why the official is working 3-man.
you don't know.
Originally Posted by ODog
And thank you, good sir!