Thread: Warning?
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Old Fri Jan 11, 2013, 08:18am
PG_Ref PG_Ref is offline
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Originally Posted by Treeguy View Post
I had the same situation, team was on the other side of the dividing line. I was administrating the FT, yelled over there a couple times and was ignored. I administered the FT and called a lane violation. That got the coaches attention. He did not know the rule and started arguing the point that if he did not want anyone in the lane, he did not have to. He would not believe us.

I say administer the FT, lane violation first, T after that.
You would be incorrect ...


The ruling official has reported the foul and *proceeds to his/her proper position for the first of two free throws awarded to A1. B1 and B2 are: (a) huddling in the lane; or (b) two B players are not occupying the first two marked spaces next to the end line as required.
RULING: In (a), if the huddle delays the officials' administration, Team B is warned. The *warning is recorded by the scorer and reported to the head coach. If Team B had been previously warned for delay, a technical foul shall be charged. In (b), Team B will be directed to occupy the required spaces. If there is delay, a team technical foul shall be charged to Team B. (4-47)
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