Originally posted by mick
Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA
Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA
Well, it didn't take long. Gary and Nancy McGriff shut down the idiots' ability to be vulgar and insulting, so now they have taken up hijacking my name. Sam Carter also has a predator who has decided to hijack his handle, SamNVa.
WTF is the matter with people who are not happy unless they are creating a problem for someone else. It is really a shame as McGriffs was making a great comeback with the discussion of softball umpiring.
Okay, an update on McGriffs. Apparently Mr. or Mrs. Big Daddy Baker has laid claim to the entire ruse.
I have enough going on without playing these silly games. If you see a post on McGriffs with my name or e-mail attached, you can rest assured that it isn't from me.
That wasn't you apologizing ???
You absence is McGriff's loss.
What can I say, Mick? I cannot afford having others offering words under my name.
As I stated before, anyone on that board which has a serious softball question, I'll be more than happy to respond.