Originally posted by dak1611
I got called in the morning of my son's LL game. The UIC knew I was a High School umpire and he really needed someone for that nights game. I told him I would do it, but he needed to let the other coach know that my son was on the opposing team. Not a problem the coach said....Well after 4 innings...my kid had a perfect game going....and i was making him hit a pie plate. Needless to say...a single in the 5th kept me from sleeping on the couch that night. But I must say...It was a joy to call pitches for my kid.
Have fun dak!
I call for my two sons who are 12 and 10, and it is a great feeling being out there when your oldest is pitching and your youngest is catching and you're behind the plate.
I had a thread out about this same situation you're in and I got mixed reviews. I am more than fair when calling my son's games, I probably hurt them more than help because I don't want to be even close to showing favoritism. But we are really short on officials here and I feel it is better to have a certified official out there than some parent who is not insured/certified calling LL games.
One thing though, I don't go advertising they are my sons!
Coaches will always say, "sure, no problem" then do nothing but complain if/when they lose. I feel if it is authorized by your assigner or sports director, or whoever assigns you the game based on your integrity and capabilities, that is good enough for me!