Thread: horn or light
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Old Fri Jan 04, 2013, 03:09pm
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Hampton Roads, VA
Posts: 14,925

5-7 Art. 2.

Each period shall end when the red light or LED lights have become activated. When the light fails to operate or is not visible, each period shall end with the sounding of the game-clock horn.

a. In games when the red light is not present, the game-clock horn shall terminate players' activity.

b. In games with a 10th-of-a-second game clock display and where an official courtside monitor is used, the reading of zeros on the game clock is to be used to determine whether a try for goal occurred before or after the expiration of time in any period. When the game clock is not visible, the officials shall verify the original call with the use of the red/LED light(s). When the red/LED light(s) are not visible, the sounding of the game-clock horn shall be used. When definitive information is unattainable with the use of the monitor, the original call stands.
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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