Is anyone surprised that I am giving the Psykist Medal to
Andy and his Screwing a Chicken Joke!!
A man goes into the local whorehouse and tells the madam that he wants to try something different. The madam says that she has just the thing for him.
She takes him through a series of turning hallways and opens a door to a room. The only thing in the room is a live chicken on the bed.
The man says "Whoa, I didn't mean anything that different!"
The madam convinvces him to try it by offering the chicken to him at no charge.
About an hour later, he emerges from the room covered with feathers and tells the madam that it was the best time he has ever had. He says that he will be back soon!
About a week later, he returns and asks for the chicken again. The madam says that the chicken is not available, but she has something even better. He eagerly accepts. She escorts him to a room with about ten seats in front of a window. There are a few other men in the room. After a few minutes, the lights go on behind the window and a gorgeous couple are having wild sex.
After a few minutes, the man leans over to the guy next to him and says "This is pretty good, huh?"
The guy replies "This is nothing, you should have been here last week. They had some guy screwing a chicken!"
[Edited by rainmaker on May 7th, 2003 at 12:19 PM]