There is debate on this issue and some will say that it counts as 3 based on the rule/case play you alluded to....that a ball thrown from behind the arc that goes in is 3 and that a "tip" by a defender doesn't change that.
That case is really talking about a player taking a 3 point shot where the on-ball defender (who is just inside the 2-point area) tips the shot just after the release but the ball continues in flight and goes in the basket...that is still 3 points and the touch the defender doesn't change that.
The lob case where the ball is thrown in the direction of the basket such that it goes in is to be 3 points whether you think it is a try or not. That case doesn't mention a touch be a defender inside the arc, so it should be assumed there isn't one. We are not tasked with judging try or not, just count it as 3.
Where things get muddy is the case (someone else can look it up...EDIT, looks like Nevada cited it while I was composing my post) that says a 3-point shot that falls below the rim and bounces off a defender and back in the basket is only 2 points....because the try ended when it was obvious it would not go in. The deflection back into the basket by the defender is no longer the original throw and it is no longer eligible for 3 points.
So, you still have a judgement to make, just not the same judgement. If as released, the ball might be able to go in, it will be a 3. If, however, there is no chance that it can go in as released but defender redirects it to the basket, it will only be a 2.
Last edited by Camron Rust; Thu Dec 13, 2012 at 05:15pm.