Originally posted by BktBallRef
Originally posted by jentzd
Well, like I said before, I really want to avoid using 'ground rules' or 'house rules' and practice the right way.
Well, let me say that most people, probably 99%, do not play by NBA rules when they play pick up games. normally, HS or college rules are the norm. That's also why you're not getting many responses to your questions.
This is true. For example, I've come to find out that 3 seconds in the key is pretty much completely meaningless in a 1on1 game. I guess avoiding 'house rules' completly is not possible.
But I do beleive there is some type of consensus on how post play works. Thats what I am trying to get at. I am trying to get into extremely specific details on how post play works; what is legal, and what is not.
I was trained as a center through high school ball, trained that post play is very physical. I was taught that if you are defending the post and someone uses your body to try and push through you -simply that you dont have to let them. I am willing to admit that my training may be wrong if it is specifically clear how.
I am playing someone who played small forward, not necesserily trained the same way as me. This is why we need a precise rules clarification (which doesnt seem to be found in ANY rulebook...NBA or NCAA or High School, at least that i can find - which is why i am on this forum in the first place). Perhaps the true irony is this small forward is now much bigger than me.
All the defender has to is hold his position. If you back in and displace him, you've fouled. [/B]
Again, I am trying to determine is specific detail exactly what is legal. What exactly does holding ones' position mean? The literal wording is vague...and in terms of displacing the defender? Displacing his arm? His foot? A single hair on his head? What is what?