Thread: Onside Kick?
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Old Tue Dec 04, 2012, 07:12am
JugglingReferee JugglingReferee is offline
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Originally Posted by Robert Goodman View Post
Recent examples of "onside kick" in the original sense:

This is now called a return kick. The punter and players behind him are onside and can legally recover + advance.

Originally Posted by Robert Goodman View Post
Just called a fake field goal. But the kicker and players behind him can recover + advance. In amateur ball, "downs continue" for Team A at Point Ball Dead because Team A was the first to legally touch the ball. In the CFL, they have a quirky rule that Team A gets a first down to matter what. Even though they were 2 yards short of the line to gain, their rule says 1D for Team A.

Notice the Referee properly read the play and move from his spot to watch roughing the kicker/holder to a spot to be in line with the kicker to judge on the legality of the 2 in-motion players' onside status. Great job by R#22!

LJ #29 throws the Restraining Zone flag as he does not know if those two players are onside. Once the crew shares all information, they pick up the flag and award Team A a new series.
Pope Francis
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