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Old Tue Nov 27, 2012, 03:42am
Sharpshooternes Sharpshooternes is offline
C'mon man!!
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 966
Originally Posted by Camron Rust View Post
Correct. The ball is dead on the foul.

But, your wording, while I knew what you meant with your question, could be twisted such that it was asking something entirely different. So, let's do so just a bit to have some fun...

What if, with 2 seconds left on the clock, A1 attempts to heave a 75 foot shot from the backcourt FT lane but in doing so gets fouled such that the ball is deflected directly into the wrong basket.

I know this will not happen, but what if it did....what would you rule?
I want to say no because the ball becomes dead on a shot after a foul when it is obvious that the try is going to be unsuccessful. The player is shooting towards his own goal and a deflection /foul causing it to go into the wrong basket would certainly mean the try had ended prior to it going into the wrong basket.
But, If your scenario went like this: try , deflection of ball back into basket, foul, horn. I just opened another can of worms. Going to count the points for the made "wrong" basket, then 3 fts to the original player with lanes cleared. Isn't this fun?
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