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Old Tue Nov 27, 2012, 03:30am
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by representing View Post
That just led me to a question though... what if the ball goes into the wrong basket when a player, in shooting motion, is fouled? I think this is dead ball and the basket doesn't count, but may need someone to confirm that.
Correct. The ball is dead on the foul.

But, your wording, while I knew what you meant with your question, could be twisted such that it was asking something entirely different. So, let's do so just a bit to have some fun...

What if, with 2 seconds left on the clock, A1 attempts to heave a 75 foot shot from the backcourt FT lane but in doing so gets fouled such that the ball is deflected directly into the wrong basket.

I know this will not happen, but what if it did....what would you rule?
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