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Old Sat Nov 24, 2012, 10:45pm
Rooster Rooster is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 244
Throw-in, BC, and lane restrictions

I was working through my test and came to the question of lane restriction being in effect during a throw-in. My gut tells me two different things but the one I like best is: the lane restriction IS NOT in effect because the ball does not have either FC or BC status, regardless of where the throw in spot is because we have team control when the ball is at the thrower's disposal BUT NOT player control. How's my gut doing?

My weak effort at designing a case play...

9.9.1 SITUATION (Made up by me) F: Team A has the ball in the FC, and the ball goes out of bounds caused by Team B. Team A has the throw-in from the sideline past the division line in their frontcourt. The thrower throws the ball into the backcourt and A2 gets it and brings the ball past the division line. What I'm ruling - Not a BC violation, new 10 second count.

I'm sure everyone has seen this question a thousand times but with the new(ish) "team control on throw-ins rule" I'm corn-fused. I don't want to see something where there is nothing but team control and player control are different where throw-ins are concerned, yes?

I look forward to the outpouring of wisdom.
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