Hey Guys,
I follow this board, but don't chime in much. But I wanted to get your thoughts on this:
It seems to me that the blatant lack of travel calls at all levels is seriously and adversley affecting the game of BB. There are various ways that one can travel, but the rule that I have in mind is really very easy to see and call. But we don't. Rule 4.3.C (NFHS) states, "the pivot foot may not be lifted before the ball is released to start a dribble."
This happens ALL THE TIME. Watch any college game and you will see this violation occur numerous times. It happens so often, and is never called, that we don't even think of it as a violation. But it is, plain and simple. I would estimate it happens more often than fouls--i.e., on average 40 plus times a game. Just watch a game and start counting and you will see what I mean. Yes, some (though certainly not all) of the violations are 40 feet from the basket and thus "no advantage is gained." But I am beginning to think that if we simply enforced this one rule consistently (and it would not be hard to do), the entire game of basketball would be changed for the better. The offense would not gain such a huge advantage on drives to the basket. There would be fewer fouls as defenders would not be put in obviously disadvantaged spots. Offensive players would have to show more skill - and probably more passing and teamwork, rather than all the dribble drives. In short, it would be a much better, and more fun game to play and officiate.
Because we have gotten to the point where this rule has been totally disregarded, it would take a massive top-down effort to enforce it again. I am certainly not advocating that we as officials take it upon ourselves to start calling it.
If you doubt my assertions about the frequency of this violation, please just watch any game and look for this violation on every touch. Then start counting. The pivot cannot be lifted BEFORE the ball is released for a dribble.