Originally Posted by vbzebra
hs scrimmage, had to T a coach this week for similar...opponent driving to basket for layup, gets contact to the head, i call foul, count basket. coach then wants to 'ask' me about it during the ft. i acknowledge (tableside anyway after reporting).
"you're suddenly making all the calls and they're going the other way". ok coach, i hear ya, and begin to walk away. Then I hear "that's bull$h!t, it's absolute bull$h!t!" being yelled from him. Whack.
Partners then said i should have let the contact to the head go without a whistle since he made the layup and i shouldn't have whacked the coach 
if my partners said something like that to me....my response: "I appreciate your opinion. Here's my opinion: EVERY time a shooter gets hit in the head and a coach yells 'that's bull$hit', I WILL blow my whistle."
btw, those partners are complete idiots!