Tue Nov 13, 2012, 09:58am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Dallas, TX
Posts: 1,847
Originally Posted by BillyMac
I'm not quite sure about the original post situation, still a little confused, but if a player plays, or played, and this requires a change in the book, my ruling will have little to do with whether, or not, I checked the book before the game. If I'm at the table, and if there's a change being made in the home (official) book while I'm standing there, then I'm charging a technical foul, whether, or not, I checked the book, or not, before the game.
Methinks you should read the OP again...pay closer attention to when the change was made. Can you tell from the OP when the change was made? The part I highlighted in blue - that's your imagination adding something that wasn't there.