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Old Tue Nov 13, 2012, 09:45am
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Confused In Connecticut ...

Originally Posted by Smitty View Post
I don't have my books with me, but how can you assess a T for something you have no knowledge of? How can you be certain that the official book wasn't correct? The visitor's book has no relevance unless you checked the official book. Turning it around on you, how do you justify a T if you didn't check the book?
I'm not quite sure about the original post situation, still a little confused, but if a player plays, or played, and this requires a change in the book, my ruling will have little to do with whether, or not, I checked the book before the game. If I'm at the table, and if there's a change being made in the home (official) book while I'm standing there, then I'm charging a technical foul, whether, or not, I checked the book, or not, before the game.
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