Thread: fight rule
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Old Thu Nov 01, 2012, 03:21pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by tjchamp View Post
I am confused now. A1 & A2 fight, as does B1 = 2 FT's for team B.

A6 vs B6 & B7 = 1 T for each team and no FT's as they offset. Isn't the end result then still the 2 FT's for team B?
Since the numbers of team members leaving are uneven, it's one "T to be administered" against the team with the most. So, here, A will get 2 FTs. These offset against the 2 FTs for B in the first part.

Examples (no fight on the floor, A6 leaves but does not participate in all examples, all the B below leave but do not participate):

B6 leaves: 1 indirect against coach A, 1 indirect against coach B, no FTs (the numbers are even)

B6 and B7 leave: 1 indirect against coach A, 1 indirect against coach B, A shoots 2 FTs (the numbers are uneven)

B6, B7, B8, B9, B10, Trainer B, student manager B all leave; 1 indirect against coach A, 1 indirect against coach B, A shoots 2 FTs (the numbers are uneven -- by how much they are uneven doesn't matter here)

A7, A8, A9 leave (in addition to A6), B6, B7, B8, B9 leave: 1 indirect to each coach, no FTs (the numbers are even)
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