Thread: Trivia 3
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Old Thu Oct 25, 2012, 11:40am
Tru_in_Blu Tru_in_Blu is offline
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Originally Posted by ASA Ump MN View Post
Not that I'm a higher up or ever will be. I do plan running this by KR, CC or LM at the ASA advanced clinic if I'm able to attend it again next year.

How would you guys rule on a ball that is trapped/controlled "you pick" with the glove. Meaning a ball that is half sticking out of the outer webbing of the glove and the ball is on the ground. For instance, a scoop attempt at 1st. The runner passes 1B while the ball is on the ground and in the glove. Do you have an out if he lifts it cleanly after the runner gains the base?

Another interesting The Official Forum topic!!!

Thanks Much~
I would call the runner safe under the assumption that the fielder was using the ground to assist in controlling the ball. S/he might continue and make the pick cleanly, but I don't think I'd call the out if the ball was still in contact with the ground.
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