Originally Posted by DUNDALKCHOPPER
Ichiro just scored in the Yanks-O's game and I thought he had clearly gone further than 3ft from the foul line in avoiding the tag at home. Opinions ?
A common rules myth. That chalk line, or the direct line between bases, has nothing to do with making that call. It's the line the runner is taking to the base, at the point of the attempted tag on him by the defender. Suzuki was wide already, and went wider when he saw the catcher grabbing the ball. So, you have to judge 3+ feet more when that initial stab was made.
I thought it was great footwork by the PU to circle around, and keep moving for a better angle throughout that play. Whether he ended up with safe or out, he really worked hard to get a good look at it. That should end up in a training video, with all that went on there.