Originally Posted by Camron Rust
I think it should be taught to rookies. It is much harder to get them to change to doing it later then it is to do it right from the start.
If the prime reason for proper court positioning is . . .
to be in the right place
at the right time
in order to see the right thing
to make the right call (which might be a no-call)
(which is an expression I find myself using more and more lately),
then this ball side mechanic is purely natural.
I introduced it tonight to a group of three newer officials (who are well schooled in three-man mechanics) with whom I'll be working two-man sub-level games this year and their first comment was, "Hey, that's just like why the lead in three-man needs to rotate."
I appreciated their impulsive remark.
They won't have any trouble adopting the ball-side mechanic for two-man.
Thanx again to all for the responses.