Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve
Softball rules at every level make it the catcher's responsibility to know the game situation. (Of course, if their coach taught, or coached the catcher, that would be less of an issue.) But, the exception, rule reversal, and even the latest editorial change, poorly worded as it is, are clearly intended to make it solely the defense's responsibility.
Which brings me back to my OP. The irony of the situation was that not once, but twice, it was the runner at first, not the catcher, who became confused with the game situation. In both cases, R1 failed to realize she had no reason to take off. She saw her teammate take off for first base, and instead of ignoring it, despite my calling the batter out, she tried to advance and was easily thrown out.
I honestly cannot recall ever seeing this happen at such a high level of play. Instead of a DMC, I had a DMR.