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Old Mon Sep 10, 2012, 10:21pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by BballRookie View Post
I think "brothers" here is a little strong and probably unrealistic. We aren't one gigantic group of officials across the globe. Of course I'd sit at home for guys I know and have worked alongside, but to act like those guys in the NFL give a rip about any of us is something a Disney movie would have a hard time trying to make believable.

Each official has to assess their individual path/career/journey and decide if crossing the line is for them. I just don't think one size fits all.

Just my opinion.
I personally know a few NFL officials (3 are in one of my associations) and I would never go for some short glory to work a game at that level. For one it would be more personal than about them. I would always feel like I did not earn that spot and once it is over I will be thrown to the wolves. The NFL does not care about those guys either and have done them no favors by putting them in this situation. And if I am on the field when something silly happens like giving a 4th timeout, then that is what my career will be remembered for. And I also know several of the replacement officials as well, many will have no place to come back to. And not all are old guys that were already on their way out.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)