Thread: The Appeal
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Old Sun Apr 27, 2003, 07:46am
chris s chris s is offline
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Posts: 508
chip on shoulder??

Originally posted by Whowefoolin
Obviously Chris S has a small itty bitty chip on his shoulder. But without going into his childhood... the umpire should just keep quiet and observe the action. If the kid hears the parents and goes back to touch, then he is safe. If the catcher hears the parents, and touches the plate, runner is out.

The umpire should not get involved, just be alert and know what is going on.

Now the issue of having umps or coach-pitch or whatever is not the point in this thread.

Back to Pinto.
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Where ya get that? 7-8's is a TEACHING LEAGUE!!!! If ya hear parents/coaches *****ing bout runner missing a sack, do you not tell them, "appeal it"? OBVIOUSLY the players don't know what the F@@@ to do! TEACH THEM LATER and let this MBL game go.........
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