I can't speak for LL, but with ASA rules, the umpire in your game was within the rules, especially if he warned both team ahead of time about jewelry.
The batter has 10 sec from "batter up" (spoken or impled) to be in the box, ready to go. The rule is to prevent delay of the game. The team had been warned about jewelry. The batter showed up in the box wearing jewelry. She (or her coach) was unnecessarily delaying the game.
The ASA rule book gives the umpire the latitude to give warnings or call strikes in the situation of a batter not being ready. The ASA rules that apply here are ASA 3-6-F, 7-3-B, 7-3-C-EFFECT, and 7-4-J.
Having said all of that, however, in a "minors" (is that 10U or 12U?) game, I'd simply call time and have the jewlery removed, unless removal became a production.