Originally Posted by ronald
I believe it is not official until you have followed the procedures in the rule book. Thus the initial hand over is not official and you can make a correction that is not a substitution.
Speaking NCAA....
5.7 Pregame Meeting
5.7.2......."The umpire shall review each team's lineup card with its coach to be sure it is complete and
shall provide one last opportunity for changes* without the changes being charged as substitutions. Once returned to the umpire, each team's lineup is official. In the event of a
subsequent change**, the plate umpire shall report the substitution(s) to the opposing team, official scorer......"
It's been my experience that....
* these are changes that generally involve things like a uniform #, defensive position, correctly listing the subs, etc.
**these "subsequent changes" by coaches at the pre-game meeting 99% of the time involve the DP/Flex. Maybe not the norm, but it occurs with enough frequency that it's certainly not the exception.
While neither the NCAA rule book or Manual requires that after receiving the lineups back from the coaches making them official we ask each coach "do you have any changes at this time?".....in the conferences I work it's SOP for the PU to ask.