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Old Fri Aug 17, 2012, 10:05pm
Rita C Rita C is offline
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Originally Posted by umpjim View Post
"I bring this up because this was apparently miscalled in a Senior Little League World Series game. Little League uses OBR so the infraction should have been penalized by a ball to the batter. Unfortunately, the umpires ruled by "high school rules"."

LL allows protests so was there one if the umps ruled it a 8.02(a)(1) violation which is always a ball penalty.
If the umps ruled it an 8.02(a)(2 thru 6) violation with runners on it would be a balk. You would know if they called that one because the pitcher would be ejected.

Shame if they were using FED at that level. If so the current case play calls it a balk if F1 was on the rubber with runners on. That case play is at odds with another one that allows hat adjustment and other moves prior to coming set.
I'm a little confused with your answer. It is never a balk in OBR (LL included) baseball.
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