ebook: 151 Ways to Ruin a Baseball Game
A number of emails and posts on the Internet convinced me I should provide an eBook for 151 Ways.
It's not as easy as they say, especially if you don't use Word. (And no self-respecting author would!)
It's true: KDP "accepts" many formats. But that's when they are converting the text. As Bogart says in Casablanca, "For a fee, Ugarte. For a fee."
I spent several days doing that conversion simply because I'm a Scot and we don't throw money away.
The book is $8.99. You may lend it to another person under certain circumstances, or you may simply check it out as from a lending library. That cost to you is: $0.00.
The idea is that you'll like and buy it so you can read it at any time "on your favorite device." Whatever the hell that means.
I have a Kindle Fire. I prefer paper and ink, but I'm an old man, set in my ways.
I'm told Amazon will offer it for sale sometime on calendar day 8/3 or 8/4.
Last edited by Carl Childress; Thu Aug 02, 2012 at 12:13am.