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Old Fri Jul 27, 2012, 10:00pm
rwest rwest is offline
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA View Post
To start, where do you see the word "bat" or any inference to the bat being used a second time in the OP?

Secondly, 7.6.K clearly references a fair ball over fair territory. The OP clearly references a foul ball over foul territory.
In all fairness Mike, I did mean she hit the ball again with the bat. But it doesn't matter. ASA says this is a foul ball. FED has it as an out if the umpire judges it could go fair.

Mbcrowder, I understand your reasoning. But I believe Mike is right on this one (I can't believe I just said that! LOL. Just teasing Mike). It opens up a can of worms. The purpose of any rule set is to establish a level playing field. And we have that with both teams able to touch a ball in foul territory.

If you don't like the offense having the ability to manipulate the status of the ball, shouldn't you be arguing just as strongly for removing the rule that allows the defense to touch the ball before it goes fair? If the offense can't manipulate the status shouldn't we deny the defense the same opportunity?
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