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Old Thu Jul 26, 2012, 11:18am
CecilOne CecilOne is offline
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Originally Posted by Andy View Post
One of my umpires called me with a situation yesterday and wants to see somthing in the rules that covers this:

ASA rules - Team A is using the DP/FLEX option. In the third inning, DP enters the game on defense as the pitcher, the FLEX is playing another defensive position and the starting pitcher goes to the bench, but is still in the batting order.

DP (pitcher of record) comes up to bat, gets on base, coach requests a Courtesy Runner. I tell my umpire that this is legal.

He insists that the FLEX can only enter on offense for the DP, which is correct, but he is saying that precludes the use of a CR for a DP pitcher. So, he thinks that the only way the DP can be replaced on offense is by the FLEX.

How do I explain it to him, using the rules, that it is OK to have a CR for a DP pitcher?
As Manny said " CR can run for the pitcher of record". The situation is the DP player doing an allowed thing, playing defense for another player who is not the FLEX and does all that the other player's position involves including the CR. The FLEX has nothing to do with this, just the DP player and the replaced pitcher.
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