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Old Wed Apr 23, 2003, 07:47am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by PeteBooth
Originally posted by Whowefoolin


However, in FED, there is a dead ball appeal, and a normal appeal. But never heard of an "accidental appeal" in FED. Can you give some direction and guidance on that?

The "accidental appeal" in FED has not changed and has been around. There is a FED Case Play which demonstrates the accidental appeal. I am work right now but I think the case play number is 8.2.3 which talks about B1 hitting a slow roller to F6 and B1 beats the throw to First base but does not TOUCH it. F3 however, has foot and ball on first base bag - In FED we record the out.

Pete Booth

Yes, it's 8.2.3, but note that FED doesn't use the term "accidental appeal." In fact, the ruling specifically says that "F3 is not required to appeal the missed base."

It's more of a literal interpretation of "force out" (the defense touches the base before the offense touches the base).
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