Originally Posted by Rich Ives
Whether or not he can legally return depende on both the rules and the situation.
FED: If he is on/beyond the next base from his TOP base at ther time the ball went dead he cannot return.
OBR: No matter where he is, if he continues on after the ball went dead and touches whatever base is next, he cannot return, otherwise he may return.
As I understand the play at hand, the runner was beyond 2B when the ball went dead. In FED he cannot return to retouch 1B. In OBR he can if he doesn't touch 3B after it went dead.
This if from NFHS rule 8-3-5
"When a runner, who is returning to touch a base after a batted ball has been caught is prevented from doing so because a thrown live ball has become dead (5-1-1g), his award shall be from the base he occupied at the time of the pitch"