Regarding the NBA, this is where I got that:
It says:
"b. A player in control of a dribble who steps on or outside a boundary line, even though not touching the ball while on or outside that boundary line, shall not be allowed to return inbounds and continue his dribble. He may not even be the first player to touch the ball after he has re-established a position inbounds.
c. A player may not dribble a second time after he has voluntarily ended his first dribble.
d. A player may dribble a second time if he lost control of the ball because of:
(1) A field goal attempt at his basket, provided the ball touches the backboard or basket ring
(2) An opponent touching the ball
(3) A pass or fumble which has then touched another player"
If you read these things together, however, it does appear that if the player loses his dribble, goes out of bounds, and comes back in bounds, he CAN touch the ball, however he can't continue the dribble unless it touches another player. At least, that's how I read it.
[Edited by bacterium on Apr 22nd, 2003 at 09:58 PM]