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Old Sun Jul 08, 2012, 04:09pm
Skahtboi Skahtboi is offline
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Originally Posted by justcallmeblue View Post
Bulls**t the EN-VOUGE expression.

I had called a lookback rule in a 10U travel game (ASA) and the coach went ballistic on me. . .came running down the 3rd base line using the words BS about a dozen times. It was so obvious a call, my dead, blind dog could have made the call. Anyway, after letting him vent, he walks back to 3rd and I hear "I am going to call your assignor and tell him you have no damn clue. . .that was BS." To which I promptly warned him. . .he says "Great, I have somewhere else I have to be." Now, seeing it was a 90 degree plus day with high humidity and his bald head was beading with sweat, I didnt throw him out - your kids are suffering in this heat - well, so are you.


After the inning, the opposing bench coach pulled me aside and told me that he wasnt going to take that coaches BS anymore. I asked him what happend and the opposing coach said that as the BS-yelling coach walked back to third base, he told the opposing coach to "Sit his fat *** back on the f*&^ing bench" (I wish I would have heard that).

Anyway, I called my assignor 20 minutes after the game, but the coach already beat me to it. . .that coach conveniently left out the BULL**** statements, the real scenario of the play and his comments to the other coach.

Well, after the game was over, the coach at 1B at the time of the LBRule play pulled me over and told me "That was 100% the right call blue, we teach this day in and day out. . . " not that I needed it, but i was VINDICATED
Should have tossed him with the first BS, IMO. 10U game....not an adult game. Pretty black and white.

It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it.
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