Originally Posted by zm1283
Uhhh, I don't know? Those territories in the west that were all about to become states?
You're right, and I didn't mean to imply he thought that blacks were absolute equals.
Mainly because he thought he could hurt the South economically by issuing the proclamation. The E.P. made it clear that abolition was a main goal of the war (So much for the argument about "The Civil War was not about slavery!"). It was issued because he thought it would help to win the war and reunite the country.
I never said Lincoln hated slavery and was an abolitionist, because neither were true. I said that the Civil War started in part because of slavery. The two are different.
The beginning of the end of the war was on this date in history, July 3, 1863, with Lee's folly of invading the North in Gettysburg, PA. and he was defeated soundly.
BTW-You're wrong in your assessment. The southern states
DIDN"T want a strong central government. The Emancipation Proclamation only made the slaves in the Confederate states free. A lot good that did then.