Mon Jul 02, 2012, 12:16pm
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Originally Posted by Chess Ref
I don't believe "fair or foul" territory has an bearing on this play. Rule 8-7-h talks about an attempt to run to second base. Is flinching an attempt? Sounds like a HTBT.
I'm probably not seeing that as an attempt to run to 2B.
You said:
I don't believe "fair or foul" territory has an bearing on this play. Rule 8-7-h talks about an attempt to run to second base.
He already stated:
the "flinch" was big enough to warrant jeopardy if it was in fair territory...
So how can you say?
I'm probably not seeing that as an attempt to run to 2B
Just curious.
Last edited by HugoTafurst; Mon Jul 02, 2012 at 12:18pm.