Originally Posted by ozzy6900
All of that said, I love the way amateur umpires take pleasure in berating a professional umpire. Maybe it's because DiMuro made it and you didn't? Or maybe you think that you can do better? Be careful how you answer that because when you look in the mirror, you see an AMATEUR staring back at you..... because that is what you are! Try and remember that!
Maybe there are some that feel that way, but not me. I personally think that MLB has the worst staff of all of pro sports working games. They do things that I often do not understand and wonder if because they can never seem to be fired, they just take the easy way to do things us amateurs would get killed for doing. Look at all the very bad misses they have had. They are often not judgment misses, but procedural or mechanical mistakes that you can go to the local association and learn not to do.
To be fair, not all of us wanted to be pro umpires either. When I had the chance I did not see the value in pursuing such a thing. I am happy for those guys getting there, but do not like what they do when they get there. Or do not like the many that have no fear of reprisal do when they are there.