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Old Mon Jun 25, 2012, 01:22pm
jwwashburn jwwashburn is offline
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Originally Posted by mbcrowder View Post
I don't get what you're saying either... it's not just him.

Let me answer this way. The runner is required to use the colored base until he/she is not required to use the colored base. And I do believe the book covers what you're saying... although I say that lightly and I'm not sure I know what you're saying (I thought I did, until I read your responses to RKB).
Ok, my apologies to all for not being clear.

I think the runner should be allowed the white part of the base when the fielder is using the colored portion-EVEN IF the fielder is not SUPPOSED to be using the colored portion.

Since the book does not cover this situation, I was hoping to get some confirmation for my logical conclusion.

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