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Old Thu Jun 21, 2012, 12:14pm
DaveASA/FED DaveASA/FED is offline
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Originally Posted by tcannizzo View Post
WOW! What a poor choice of words. Very non-specific and wildly open to interpretation, or even not clearly understood.

The player who is "to bat last this inning" is the one who is up when the game-winning run is scored. How does coach know who that will be?
Heck, if they are Vis, and they score 12 runs, how does coach know that right now?

So then, coach interprets that to mean the B9 belongs on 2B because the umpires said so, or at least thought so. You then call BOO and coach says, but you told me to put her there!!!! Now what do you do?

2012 ASA book RUle 5 section 11 A says "Starting with the top of the eighth inning, and each half inning thereafter, the offensive team shall begin its turn at bat with the player who is scheduled to bat last in that respective half inning being placed on second base (e.g., if the number five batter is the lead off batter, the number four batter in the batting order will be placed on second base. A substitute may be inserted for the runner)."

Seems to me the umpire is giving them by the book advice. Your point is taken however, it is a good idea to not end the conversation there but to make sure that they agree who the lead off is and the person they send to 2B is listed one position above them in the lineup.
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